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Task: Set up a registry mirror


  • Increase speed of pulls and builds by caching images on Actuated Servers
  • Reduce failed builds due to rate-limiting

If you use Docker in your self-hosted builds, there is a chance that you'll run into the rather conservative rate-limits.

See also: Download rate limit

The Docker Hub allows for 100 image pulls within a 6 hour period, but this can be extended to 200 by logging in, or to 5000 by paying for a Pro license.

A registry mirror / pull-through cache running on an actuated agent is significantly faster than pulling from a remote server.

We will create a mirror that:

  • Has no authentication, to keep the changes to your build to a minimum
  • Is read-only - for pulling images only
  • Only has access to pull images from the Docker Hub
  • Is not exposed to the Internet, but only to Actuated VMs
  • When unavailable for any reason, the build continues without error
  • Works on both Intel/AMD and ARM64 hosts

This tutorial shows you how to set up what was previously known as "Docker's Open Source Registry" and is now a CNCF project called distribution.

If you'd like to mirror another registry like,,, or your own registry, then you can use the same approach, but run each registry on a different port. The configuration may need to be set up manually, since the current action we have built is only designed for one mirror.

Certified for:

  • x86_64
  • arm64

Create a Docker Hub Access token

Create a Docker Hub Access token with "Public repos only" scope, and save it as ~/hub.txt on the Actuated Server.

Settings for a public token

Settings for an authorization token, with read-only permissions to public repositories

Set up the registry on an actuated agent

  curl -sLS | sudo sh

  sudo arkade system install registry

  sudo mkdir -p /etc/registry
  sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/registry

Create a config file to make the registry only available on the Linux bridge for Actuated VMs.

Before doing so, you'll need to:

  1. Create a file named hub.txt in your home directory.
  2. Set the USERNAME variable to your Docker Hub username.
  3. If you're using cloud-hypervisor, set the BRIDGE variable to
export USERNAME=""
export TOKEN=$(cat ~/hub.txt)
export BRIDGE=""

cat > /tmp/registry.yml <<EOF
version: 0.1
    disabled: true
  level: warn
  formatter: text

    rootdirectory: /var/lib/registry

  username: $USERNAME

  # A Docker Hub Personal Access token created with "Public repos only" scope
  password: $TOKEN

  addr: $BRIDGE:5000
  relativeurls: false
  draintimeout: 60s

  # Enable self-signed TLS from the TLS certificate and key
  # managed by actuated for server <> microVM communication
    certificate: /var/lib/actuated/certs/server.crt
    key: /var/lib/actuated/certs/server.key

As the certificate is expired, actuated will automatically restart the registry service to use the new certificate.

Install and start the registry with a systemd unit file:

cat >> /tmp/registry.service <<EOF
Description=Registry actuated.service

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/registry serve /etc/registry/config.yml


sudo mv /tmp/registry.service /etc/systemd/system/registry.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable registry --now

Check the status with:

sudo journalctl -u registry -f

Use the registry within a workflow

Create a new registry in your organisation, along with a: .github/workflows/build.yml file and commit it to the repository.

name: CI

      - '*'
      - master
      - main

        runs-on: [actuated-4cpu-8gb]

        - name: Setup mirror
          uses: self-actuated/hub-mirror@master

        - name: Checkout
            uses: actions/checkout@v4

        - name: Pull image using cache
            run: |
            docker pull alpine:latest


The self-actuated/hub-mirror action already runs the docker/setup-buildx action, so if you have that in your builds already, you can remove it, otherwise it will overwrite the settings for the mirror. Alternatively, move the self-actuated/hub-mirror action to after the docker/setup-buildx action.

Checking if it worked

You'll see the build run, and cached artifacts appearing in: /var/lib/registry/.

find /var/lib/registry/ -name "alpine"


Add actuated's bridge <> VM CA bundle to the trust store on the server, to test the registry via curl:

sudo cp /var/lib/actuated/certs/ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/actuated-ca.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates

You can also use the registry's API to query which images are available:

curl -i

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Docker-Distribution-Api-Version: registry/2.0
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 09:41:18 GMT
Content-Length: 52


You can check the status of the mirror at any time with:

sudo journalctl -u registry --since today

If you're not sure if the registry is working, or want to troubleshoot it, you can enable verbose logging, by editing the log section of the service file.

    disabled: false
  level: debug
  formatter: text

Then restart the service, and check the logs again. We do not recommend keeping this setting live as it will fill up the logs and disk quickly.

A note on KinD

The self-actuated/hub-mirror action will configure both the Docker Daemon, and buildkit, however KinD uses its own instance of containerd and so must be configured separately.

See notes on KinD with actuated for more information.

Further reading